Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Here how the story starts

My rum8 n I havent paid the hostel rental. Its nearly 2009 maa! Kang kena halau lak T_T. The hostel ‘komanden’ came to our room the other day to sumwut warn us. But we’re not home..fuhhh~

Actually we did it on purpose..
1 of our groupm8 said
“USD kompem jatuh masa winter.”
But it was 29.8!!!
“jatuh hape…melonjak naik ada la T_T”
ooopss...sorry..biasenya turun time2 nih”
Nak wat

So, the day after we went to dean’s office
“waa x cukup duit!”
A senior was passing by
“kat mana atm machine ye?”
“owh..paling dekat dari sini BTB Bank..bla bla bla (showing the direction)”

But as we got there..both the atm machine were not working!
“mana nak cari bank lagi nih?”
ada kot dekat2 sini..cuba jalan depan sikit”
Misi mencari dilakukan~
waa jauh dah ni..mana bank nii??”
“caiyo2..tu dah nampak signboard(jari telunjuk dihalakan ke penghujung jalan)”

On our way back to the dean’s office, kononnya wanna take the shortcut.
“rasa boleh tembus laa kalau masuk park ni”
jom r..penat dah ni.nak gelap dah pun(maghrib masuk 3.30)”
So we went into the playgrond, passing a group of russians with bottles of alcohols accompanied with gelak tawa n pandangan slek ke arah ktorang.

Ohh..n it was snowing at that time

“tengok tu..langsung takda kesan kaki kawasan ni.betul ke ni?”
“eh..jalan mati!patut laaa..”

Yup..the snow is covering the way thickly.
“waa kena pusing balik ikot tempat tadi r ni..huhu takut r ngn mamat russian ramai2 tadi!”
Well..thats the 1 n only way out..

“takpe..jangan buat muka takut!”
buat macam tengah menikmati pemandangan”
n baca ayat kursi banyak2..kak izzah pesan macam tu”

Finally we got to the dean’s office just in time(their working hours r till 4pm).fuuhhh~
N what should I say? Alhamdulillah~

“ei dah 350 ni!!”
“kelas physics pukul 4!!!”
abes laaa..dah la kelas monich!”

On our way back to bufeka, we took the wrong bus! Dengan penuh kelam kabut, we got down the bus n ran crossing the road looking for another bustop..
“waa x larat!!mana bustop ni”
caiyo2!!depan tu je”

We went for class nearly 4.45! Lucky me monich x marah!! In fact, tersengih2 tengok ktorang tercungap2 trying to explain what happened..

N the best thing of all..we pass the test given on that day with flying colours!
N what should I say,again?Alhamdulillah~

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Try baca jap..n muhasabah diri

1. Bangunlah segera untuk melakukan solat apabila mendengar Azan walau bagaimana pun keadaannya.

2. Baca, telaah, dan dengarkanlah Al-Qur'an atau zikirlah kepada Allah dan jangan engkau menghamburkan waktumu dalam masalah yang tidak ada manfaatnya.

3. Bersungguh-sungguhlah untuk bisa dan berbicara dalam bahasa Arab dengan fasih.

4. Jangan memperbanyak perdebatan dalam berbagai bidang pembicaraan sebab hal ini semata-mata tidak akan mendatangkan kebaikan.

5. Jangan banyak tertawa sebab hati yang selalu berkomunikasi dengan Allah (zikir) adalah tenang dan tentram.

6. Jangan bergurau, karena umat yang berjihad tidak berbuat kecuali dengan bersungguh-sungguh terus menerus.

7. Jangan mengeraskan suara diatas suara yang perlu didengar, kerana akan mengganggu dan menyakiti.

8. Jauhilah membicarakan kejelekan orang lain atau melukainya dalam bentuk apapun dan janganlah berbicara kecuali yang baik.

9. Berta'aruflah dengan saudaramu yang kalian temui walaupun dia tidak meminta, sebab prinsip dakwah kita adalah cinta dan ta'awun (kerja sama)

10. Pekerjaan Rumah kita sebenarnya lebih bertumpu dari pada waktu yang tersedia, maka tolonglah selainmu untuk memanfaatkan waktunya dan apabila kamu mempunyai sesuatu keperluan maka bersederhanalah dan percepatlah untuk diselesaikan.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

chocolate amazing facts!!

A beautifully wrapped box of chocolates has always been considered a very romantic gift.Don't u think so?haha

But the surprising news from the scientific community is that this reputedly decadent treat actually has some health benefits, especially if you choose your chocolate wisely.

Is Chocolate A Health Food?

Chocolate contains over 300 chemicals, and has been the subject of a number of studies by universities and other scientific organizations. Here's a quick rundown of the results:

  • Cacao, the source of chocolate, contains antibacterial agents that fight tooth decay.
  • The smell of chocolate may increase the brain waves, resulting in relaxation.
  • Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine, a mild mood elevator.(I totally agree with this one!)
  • The cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fat which may raise good cholesterol.(eh?there is good cholesterol?)
  • Drinking a cup of hot chocolate before meals may actually diminish appetite.
  • Men who eat chocolate live a year longer than those who don't.( this,men!)
  • The flavanoids in chocolate may help keep blood vessels elastic.
  • Chocolate increases antioxidant levels in the blood.
  • Mexican healers use chocolate to treat bronchitis and insect bites.
  • The carbohydrates in chocolate raise serotonin levels in the brain, resulting in a sense of well-being.
What Chocolate Won't Do:
  • Studies show that chocolate is not a causative factor in acne.
  • Cacao contains the stimulants caffeine and bromine, but in such small quantities that they don't cause nervous excitability.
  • Chocolate is not addictive.(I hope so..=p)
  • Chocolate contains stearic acid, a neutral fat which doesn't raise bad cholesterol.(now there is also bad cholesterol..can someone explain to me??)
But On The Negative Side...(fitrah alam..when there's positive side,there's always negative side)
  • Chocolate may trigger headaches in migraine sufferers.
  • Milk chocolate is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar.

Friday, December 5, 2008

happy faces for u and me!

jeng jeng jeng!

power rangers yang nampak hebat

si pink dan si kuning

jom jadi yang kuning tengah tu!

happy together

tengok..ada kasuuut...!!


menikmati keindahan pantai

i am greeeennn

oo yeeeaaah...!specky!



'Happy Everything'

I love to wish you,
'happy everything',

I like to sing,
'Happy everything'

I want to shout,
'Happy everything', to you

The sun is out,
bright blue is the sky

nothing out of place,
were all gonna be
'Happy everything'

People sing.........'Happy everything'
The kids cry........'Happy everything'
Everyone wants......'Happy everything'

Everything is happy,
we are all so glad.
Everything is happy,
please don't be sad..

Oh Yes, I'm So Happy!


Next week tak ada control untuk aku!!!

Tak wujud control..
Tak wujud risau
Tak wujud buku
Tak wujud malam tanpa tidur
Tak wujud mata panda
Tak wujud lesu


Boleh tidur tidur dan tidur
Boleh shopping
Boleh mengadap movie
Boleh mengadap internet

Oh Yes, I'm So Happy!


Jatuh tanpa rela
Jatuh tanpa sengaja
Jatuh tanpa niat

Bukan jatuh cinta
Bukan jatuh hati
Bukan jatuh suka2

Jatuh orang di tempat lain
Jatuh aku di tempat lain
Jatuh di tempat yang tak patut jatuh
Jatuh di tempat yang mungkin tak pernah orang jatuh

Jatuh bukan seorang diri
Jatuh depan orang
Classmates, seniors and even lecturers!

Di bumi soviet union
Tiga kali jatuh
Tiga kali sakit
Tapi yang paling penting..
Tiga kali malu!

Kenapa jatuh?
Kali pertama..dikejar
Kali kedua..mengejar
Kali ketiga..tidak dikejar dan tidak pula mengejar

Walau sudahpun aku
Berusaha bertekad berharapan tinggi
Tapi tetap berulang

Nasib diri..
Inilah nasib diri

Manusia yang merancang
Allah yang menentukan
Sesungguhnya Allah adalah sebaik-baik perancang